| a.k.a "Aardvark from Above" (WARNING: FLASHING IMAGES) I know the mix isn't perfect but a few people have also requested a DL link on Bandcamp or itunes! Bandcamp: https://haveluckgoodfun.bandcamp.com/track/sounds-like-overwatch twitter: http://www.twitter.com/haveluckgoodfun Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/haveluckgoodfun FAQs: "You're on the battle.net launcher!" Weird, huh? Thanks Blizzard! :D "r u pogo? / you ripped off pogo" Nope, Pogo is an insane genius who makes actual music. I just want to make dumb internet videos. "I like this!" Thank you very much! "I don't like this / this is bad" ok. "It's actually HARD WORK" ;) "iTunes and Spotify?" Soon, hopefully. Bandcamp link: https://haveluckgoodfun.bandcamp.com/track/sounds-like-overwatch "This is just noise" Accurate. "Will you make more Overwatch stuff?" Sure! "Will you remix _______?" I'd love to! "You have way too much time on your hands!" I wish. |
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