| "You can't ever have the end of something, because you live for the future." -- Robert Cowie, a bell collector in Paris. That was his answer to my question, "Will you ever stop collecting?" (He has more than 200 bells!) Many of the conversations I have with the people I interview stick with me. I learn something new from each person I talk to. This is a collection of memories from my stories that have stuck with me all year. Some are sad, and connected to stories that might have been hard to watch. Some are inspirational, from people who have achieved their goals this year. Some are funny, others are just quirky, cute things that stuck with me. Some of them aren't even soundbites -- just sounds that remind me of a certain time or place. But I carry them all with me everywhere I go. Most of the people in this video I have only met once, but I think of them all the time. THANK YOU: For inviting me into your homes, for taking time out of your days, and most of all, for trusting me with your stories this year. It has been a true honor, and I can't wait to continue sharing your stories in 2016. Happy New Year! P.S. There's a LIVE blooper in there somewhere -- have fun watching! |
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